
Growing up, I was a just a plain Jane masquerading in a Barbie doll mindset. I escaped reality through writing. Day after day, year after year, I would sit in my room for hours writing short stories, poems, and songs. 


I am convinced my guardian angel is directionally challenged. No doubt these navigational errors have been instrumental in derailing my destiny to live a debutant lifestyle. However, it is worth noting the key word here is derail, not destroy.


I freely admit there were moments where I wanted to throw in the proverbial towel and give up, there was just something about the lonely blinking cursor on a blank page that seemed to beg me to type.... something ...anything! Like an addict compelled by a vice, I caved. No matter what I did, I could not seem to quench my creative writing appetite.


I am passionate about writing. Writing is simply part of who I am. Whether fiction or non-fiction, each genre (humor, mystery, romance, grant writing or business management) has its’ own rules, nuance, and style. Through writing, one can do anything, be anyone, and achieve the impossible. For many years, I was of the mindset that I needed to pick a genre and stick with it. However, I've never been much of a conformist, so I see little reason to start now.


While the combination of age, experience and plain exhaustion has helped tame the rebel within, make no mistake about it, my learning curve is far from complete.


GET YOURSELF SETTLED LIL GIRL is a relatable, laugh out loud, comedic interpretation of women in the workforce covering the 70's, 80's, 90's and jumping feet first into the 21st century. Click Here to learn more.